Monday, 27 February 2012

Contamination was found

The first flask was found with contamination. It did not have seed sown in it yet, but was a microwaved poly flask of P723. As and experiment I dumped out the milky contaimnation then wiped with a lysol kitchen wipe. After all they are advertised to kill 99.9% of all household bacteria and viruses. The contaminated flask was then put in the sterile box and a second lysol wipe was used to wipe the surface and the whole of the container once more. Then a small amount of seed was sown with 1ml of water.

Otherwise the other 40 flasks show no contamination, aside from 2 flasks that were pressure cooked that look to have some small particulate stuck in the media. There does not  appear to be any mold or other growth on those two just the foreign particulate that must have been present when they were sterilized. 

(photos will follow)

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